Saturday, July 21, 2007

Just wanted to post an update real quick. We just finished VBS on Thursday, and now we're settling back into our routine. We had so many children this year-what a blessing! The kids totally loved it! And love to repeat their mixed up story of the day- however-they are starting to understand salvation a little more everyday! It's hard to gage sometimes what they really know- but hearing what they heard in vbs, it seems like it's starting to click a little more!
We also finished the painting in the kitchen-now we just have to do the cabinets, my border is up and it's also much brighter now that I once again have a light!

We also ordered uniforms today- I can't believe it's so close to school time again! Megan will be starting this fall and James will be in the 1st grade! wow!
Love to ALL!

1 comment:

The Bryants said...

Just checking in looking for an update. Thinking of you! Take care. :)

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