Sunday, March 27, 2011

I am Blessed~

I have to write about something that isn't just about me, it's about all of us. Our Soldiers. 

I watched the Latest Episode of Army Wives tonight. It was amazing and compelling, the best written show I have anticipated in years; frankly since the last Season of West Wing. 

It was worth the wait. As it showed the hurt and next steps taken when a loved is lost in a Military family. How we take it for granted everyday that there is a war still going on. That there are those families who see two military personal that walk to those doors; and have the feeling in the pit of their stomach. Knowing what it is they will be saying. 

For any mother, sister, wife, fiance, father, brother, husband; it never gets easy to hear it. Knowing that loved one will never be in your arms again, or see your child. It is reality that us civilians might never have to face.  

Life is not always fair, nor is it always what we want, but we cannot give up. We cannot let so many deaths be in vain. We must stand strong together, holding each other's hands carry on. We ust continue to grow, so that in doing so, we will keep their memory alive and with us always!

I am not a Military Wife, I am a military brat, whos Dad was in the Air Force. Both of my parents' parents were in the Army, and  I had an Uncle in the Navy. My other Uncle Bob never came home from Nam, but his memory is still alive and every time I visit the Wall in DC I feel a hug reach out to me, the way loved ones feel when they reread letters or see pictures. We know they are never forgotten!

I want to say how very thankful I am for the Men and Women who serve and have served in our Armed Service, and to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice; we Salute You and Your families. I feel blessed because I have my family safe and sound, I feel blessed that someone is giving the ultimate sacrifice for my children's freedom, and I am blessed to be an American!

Thank you to all of the cast and crew of the Army Wives! You keep what is truly important in font of us, and do so honorably! Thank you for going through the emotions none of us want to ever face.

I am blessed~

1 comment:

Leslie said...

an edit made after my father pointed out he was af! oops! maybe i shouldn't have been crying while writing!

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